2024-08-21 07:33:52 | 0533升学网
For first-year students leaving home for the first time, living in a residence hall or suite-style building can provide the most welcoming transition to campus life.
Residence Halls
Residence halls offer the traditional college housing experience, with double-occupancy rooms and community bathrooms, plus a required meal plan.
Suites can accommodate up to eight residents, with four double-occupancy rooms and two bathrooms. Suites in Fluor Tower are clustered around a central living space.
USC Apartments
Apartments—units with one or two double-occupancy bedrooms and a full kitchen—enable students to lead a more independent lifestyle, with more space and privacy.
Special Interest Floors
USC housing is also enriched by special interest communities that bring students and faculty together to explore ideas, share meals, plan special programs and take advantage of the cultural resources of Los Angeles.
Floors represent interests ranging from health and fitness to the arts and humanities to culture and religion.
Residential Colleges
All first-year students are housed in residential colleges, with faculty masters in residence and a staff of resident advisors. Offering an array of special on- and off-campus activities, from dinners with guest speakers to community service opportunities, each residential college encourages students to continue their education outside the classroom, meet new people and hone leadership skills.
Arts & Humanities Residential College
Opened in 2007, the Arts & Humanities Residential College brings students and faculty together in a scholarly community devoted to the arts and humanities. The college’s special interest floors include those devoted to music, writing, drama, the visual arts and architecture.
Fluor Tower Residential College
Opened as a residential college in 2012, Fluor hosts a dynamic community of students and faculty who celebrate diversity and welcome opportunities for service learning and participating in the building’s government. Special interest floors include El Sol y La Luna Latino Floor and Somerville Place.
International Residential College at Parkside
The International Residential College serves as the focal point for dialogue about social and international issues. Residents are encouraged to take advantage of volunteer and service learning opportunities in area ethnic neighborhoods. The college also hosts a variety of visiting scholars and guest speakers.
New Residential College
New takes advantage of the cultural resources of USC and Los Angeles to foster a vibrant, supportive community of scholars. Special programs and events include weekly dinners with the faculty master, as well as opportunities to see movies or plays, attend concerts, or hike one of L.A.’s many nature trails. New’s special interest communities include the Cinema and the Women’s Wellness floors.
North Residential College
Opened 1993 as one of the university’s first residential colleges, North strives to combine an intellectually stimulating environment with plenty of opportunities to socialize and connect with others. Community dinners with the faculty master routinely feature political or philosophical discussions. North is home to the Men’s Wellness Floor.
South Area Residential College
Opened in 2012, the South Area Residential College comprises the Marks Hall, Marks Tower, Pardee Tower and Trojan Hall residence halls. Programming emphasizes personal development, community engagement and leadership. Special interest floors include the WiSE (Women in Science and Engineering) program, GO! (Great Outdoors) Floors, Business Floors, and the Leadership Floor.
University Residential College at Birnkrant
The University Residential College is our honors housing for a dynamic community for Trustee, Presidential, Stamps Leadership and Mork Family scholars. Special programming includes trips to sample world cuisine, take in movies, or visit jazz and blues clubs. To accommodate a special retreat at the beginning of the academic year, University Residential College residents are encouraged to move in early. (Refer to housing.usc.edu for more information.)
Webb Tower Residential College
Opened in 2012, Webb Tower Residential College encourages its residents to take part in building government, intramural sports and community service programs. As an apartment-style building, Webb is the only predominantly first-year student facility that stays open during winter break.
作为一所住宿学院,Fluor在2012年开设了一个充满活力的社区,学生和教师们的庆祝方式十分多样,并为学生提供服务学习和参与建设政府的机会。特别感兴趣的楼层包括El Sol y La Luna拉丁地板和萨默维尔广场。
USC Hospitality Nutrition Program
USC Hospitality is committed to promoting health and wellness at USC. Students with special nutritional or medically related dietary needs are encouraged to meet with the USC Hospitality Registered Dietitian, Lindsey Pine, to discuss these needs and to determine how to meet them through the dining options available on campus. Please fill out the Special Dietary Needs Information Form and register with Disability Services if you require special dietary accommodations.
Speciality Foods
The following venues are certified kosher:
The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf (School of Cinematic Arts).
Seeds Marketplace (Ronald Tutor Campus Center). Seeds offers a variety of kosher grab-and-go items. If you are required to have a full meal plan, it is suggested that you choose the Trojan Plan so that dining dollars may be used to purchase kosher items from Seeds and Coffee Dean and Tea Leaf.
Vegan and Vegetarian
Vegan and Vegetarian selections are available throughout all USC Hospitality Dining venues. All residential dining venues, Parkside, Everybody's Kitchen, and Cafe 84 have vegan and vegetarian options during all meal periods.
Food Allergens
Residential Dining is able to accommodate your special dietary needs. Please contact Lindsey Pine for assistance. 0533升学网
Be Well Recipes
Recipes for healthy meals and snacks, nutrition and fitness information, and additional campus resources are available from the Be Well USC website.
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